
Differentiate Your Startup in 10 Minutes by Addressing These 6 Areas in Your Presentation
BlogGet ready for Venture Madness! Dave Bittner, CEO at Beanstalk CFO Group, gives startups advice for preparing a compelling pitch. After your Elevator Pitch, your presentation moves to critical detail.

5 Things Investors Need to Know in the First Moment You Meet Them
Blog, Expert Advice, StartupGet ready for presenting to investors. Get ready for Venture Madness. For this opportunity, the elevator pitch is a key to introducing your company and grabbing attention at the start.

New Dates! New Location! New Speakers! Get Ready for Venture Madness 2017!
Events, News + Announcements, No Comment Form, Partners, StartupSave the NEW dates & NEW location for Venture Madness 2017!
Wow, 2016 was amazing! Thank you to everyone who applied, participated, attended and helped create our March 2016 Venture Madness Conference!
Our 2017 event is poised to be…

Venture Madness was the Launchpad for Pinnacle Transplant Technologies
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, UncategorizedFounding Pinnacle Transplant Technologies, we had a much broader vision than we did as partners in a previous venture. A leap of faith had to be taken by leaving behind a company that we had worked hard to establish, and a lifestyle to which we had become accustomed.

Investors want to be Sold! So Sell Them!
Blog, Expert Advice, Funding & Fundraising, StartupFour Key Considerations for Your Investor Pitch
— Michael Toney, Founder - Conquest Training Systems, Inc
As I have coached entrepreneurs in preparing for presenting their concepts and companies to investors in order to try to raise capital,…

I Asked, Dave Bittner Answered on Serving on the Board of Directors for Invest Southwest
Blog, Startup, Uncategorized
Invest Southwest Executive Director, Karen Katzorke, talks with Invest Southwest Board Treasurer, Dave Bittner.
Dave played volleyball at Penn State University, so he brings that energy and teamwork to the floor to rally support for Invest…

A View from the Boardroom: Q&A with Tom Curzon on Serving on the Board of Directors for Invest Southwest.
Blog, Expert Advice, Partners, Startup
On behalf of Invest Southwest, thank you, Tom Curzon, for your leadership and service on the Board of Directors from 2007-2016. Tom's contributions have fostered the entire Arizona startup ecosystem. Tom is a martial arts master, so…

WIN IT! ADVICE FOR STARTUP PRESENTERS—Takeaway Tips From Venture Madness 2016
Blog, Events, Expert Advice, Startup, Uncategorized
Resoundingly, Venture Madness 2016 judges agree that there were a lot of good presentations this year. And, in the end, only 16 startups made it to the competition. How did the best emerge in bracket style, head-to-head pitch contests? Here…

April 19, 2016 Preferred Shares Cocktail Reception – By Invitation Only
NetworkingJoin Invest Southwest, for the Preferred Shares Cocktail Reception from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19, 2016, at mod in Phoenix.
This invitation-only event is designed for accredited investors, investment bankers, and annual…