
5 Things Investors Need to Know in the First Moment You Meet Them
Blog, Expert Advice, StartupGet ready for presenting to investors. Get ready for Venture Madness. For this opportunity, the elevator pitch is a key to introducing your company and grabbing attention at the start.

Venture Madness was the Launchpad for Pinnacle Transplant Technologies
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, UncategorizedFounding Pinnacle Transplant Technologies, we had a much broader vision than we did as partners in a previous venture. A leap of faith had to be taken by leaving behind a company that we had worked hard to establish, and a lifestyle to which we had become accustomed.

Embracing the Startup Journey
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup—Brandon Clarke of StartupAZ Foundation and CRADL
I did stand-up comedy for eighteen years. Ten of those years were spent learning, four years were spent refining, and four were spent in wild success.
~ Steve Martin, Born Standing…

5 Things Investors Are Interested In Knowing About Your Business
Blog, Expert Advice, Funding & Fundraising, Startup, Uncategorized—by Chuck McLane at CBIZ MHM, LLC
As you grow your business, new opportunities and risks may emerge. You need to be aware of key areas that any investor will want to examine before they put money into your organization. An experienced…

I Asked, Dave Bittner Answered on Serving on the Board of Directors for Invest Southwest
Blog, Startup, Uncategorized
Invest Southwest Executive Director, Karen Katzorke, talks with Invest Southwest Board Treasurer, Dave Bittner.
Dave played volleyball at Penn State University, so he brings that energy and teamwork to the floor to rally support for Invest…

A View from the Boardroom: Q&A with Tom Curzon on Serving on the Board of Directors for Invest Southwest.
Blog, Expert Advice, Partners, Startup
On behalf of Invest Southwest, thank you, Tom Curzon, for your leadership and service on the Board of Directors from 2007-2016. Tom's contributions have fostered the entire Arizona startup ecosystem. Tom is a martial arts master, so…

4 Steps For Sowing Startup Seeds To Prepare For Exiting The Field
Blog, Startup, Uncategorized
From the minute you hit the dirt to hoe the rows for your startup, keep your exit strategy in mind. As you rush to execute, do so with future vision. Assemble a strong startup team, attract customers, drive revenue, ever mindful of the ultimate…

Blog, Startup, Uncategorized
The strength of your startup team and the magnitude of your startup opportunity are major factors in determining your startup success. When starting up your business, getting together the right players is a must. It starts with the coach.…

Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, Uncategorized
Whatever your startup business, it is critical that you determine a revenue model to support it. Your business model is the plan your startup will implement to generate revenue and make a profit from operations. While there is room for creativity…

Blog, Events, Expert Advice, Funding & Fundraising, Startup, Uncategorized
It is energizing to listen and learn as Gary Vaynerchuk gets real with the Venture Madness startup crowd. Here are some of the top tweets reflecting his point of view as he gave his keynote presentation, Q&A style.
AZVenture Consulting…