10 Factors To Consider When You Start Spreading Your Startup News
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, Uncategorized
Getting out the word about your business is essential to gaining awareness among your target audience. It is also critical that your story is known, and embraced, internally. To support success, every employee, sub-contractor, supplier, and…
Four Questions To Ask Yourself To Ensure You Make An Impact
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, Uncategorized
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” ―Mahatma Gandhi
Make a difference. Every entrepreneur wants to make an impact—to make some difference that you have lived well. The purpose of business, innovation, invention, is to be useful.…
Step To It! 7 Tips For Achieving What You Want
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, Uncategorized
What is your vision for the year? Do you have a plan? To get where you are going, it is always good to have a map. Write out a playbook that takes you, step-by-step, to your goal—professionally, financially, personally. And, in your playbook,…
4 Ways to Use Your Message to Attract Top Talent
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, Uncategorized
When everything is ramping up, your team is as important as your idea. Great people make things happen. For your startup to soar, you need to assemble the strongest possible team. How do you attract top talent when you’re new to the game?…
6 Ways to Build Your Success Circle
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, Uncategorized
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. —Ancient Proverb
It is often said that hard work and determination are essentials of success. And, another major factor, is surrounding yourself with the people who bolster…
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup
There are many benefits to mentoring. From the satisfaction of giving something back to honing your own career, mentorship has its rewards. Employing managerial skills and guiding your entrepreneur through a key stage in their career is often…
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, UncategorizedYou are a startup looking for a VC and a VC is looking for a startup. So how do you convince a VC to take your call or meet with you? You send them a deck—make sure it is stacked in your favor.
Start by developing and refining the reasons…
7 Characteristics of An Entrepreneurial Mindset — and How to Develop Them
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, Uncategorized
Your entrepreneurial venture begins with you. Entrepreneurship is a challenging and rewarding path. Are you cut out for it? What will give you the ability to grow through failures, carry on when things get tough, boost your spirits in difficult…
Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, Uncategorized
It’s a new year and it’s time to get things done. Staying on task and keeping motivation strong requires vision. And, commitment. Then that long list of byways and highways, bumps and potholes on the way doesn’t seem so daunting. Now,…
BE A CLOSER. 3 Key Components To A Presentation That Rocks
Blog, Events, Expert Advice, Startup, Uncategorized
Your speech is great. You opened with a hook and hit all your main points.
Now, you’re about out of time, and you need to wrap it up. So what do you say?
Don’t blow your close. Don’t end with Q&A. The problem: you leave your audience…