
Venture Madness Selects 16 Presenting Companies for their Annual Capital Conference & Pitch Competition
Expert Advice, Funding & Fundraising, News + Announcements, Partners, Startup
Finalists will present at the 2024 Venture Madness Conference to secure funding from accredited investors and earn prizes for their early-stage companies.
Feb. 1, 2024 - PHOENIX - Venture Madness by Invest Southwest has selected 16 finalists…

Venture Madness Alumni & Sponsor Networking Reception
Events, Networking, PartnersJoin us for this fun and engaging networking event hosted at Galvanize Phoenix, featuring Silicon Valley Bank, Arizona Commerce Authority and our amazing Angel Investors, Venture Capital Investors, Corporate Event Sponsors and past Venture Madness participants.

7 Insider Tips for New Venture Capital Investors & Why Investing is a Lot Like Pro Surfing
BlogQ & A with Venture Capital Veteran, Brian Smith, Managing Director at Grayhawk Capital

Investors want to be Sold! So Sell Them!
Blog, Expert Advice, Funding & Fundraising, StartupFour Key Considerations for Your Investor Pitch
— Michael Toney, Founder - Conquest Training Systems, Inc
As I have coached entrepreneurs in preparing for presenting their concepts and companies to investors in order to try to raise capital,…

5 Things Investors Are Interested In Knowing About Your Business
Blog, Expert Advice, Funding & Fundraising, Startup, Uncategorized—by Chuck McLane at CBIZ MHM, LLC
As you grow your business, new opportunities and risks may emerge. You need to be aware of key areas that any investor will want to examine before they put money into your organization. An experienced…

April 19, 2016 Preferred Shares Cocktail Reception – By Invitation Only
NetworkingJoin Invest Southwest, for the Preferred Shares Cocktail Reception from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19, 2016, at mod in Phoenix.
This invitation-only event is designed for accredited investors, investment bankers, and annual…

3 Key Startup Considerations For Reaping Investor Rewards
Blog, Expert Advice, Funding & Fundraising, Startup, Uncategorized
Every startup hopes for an offer of funding. Plans are great but without resources, it’s tough to get off the ground. As your startup takes root, while you toil with early stage development, make sure you are not vulnerable to an investment…

Blog, Expert Advice, Startup
Key to an entrepreneur’s success is confidence in oneself, and in one’s powers and abilities. Self confidence inspires confidence of others. After all, we hesitate to back an idea presented by someone who is nervous and overly apologetic.…

Blog, Expert Advice, Startup, UncategorizedYou are a startup looking for a VC and a VC is looking for a startup. So how do you convince a VC to take your call or meet with you? You send them a deck—make sure it is stacked in your favor.
Start by developing and refining the reasons…

8 Sources of Startup Funding
Blog, Expert Advice, Funding & Fundraising, Startup, Uncategorized
Fetching funds and other resources is a critical aspect for any startup. And, managing investors is an important skill founders need to learn. It is said that getting venture funding is a lot like shifting gears. A typical startup goes through…