
Three Ways to Find Your First Customer

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Take your startup idea to the next level—a startup company—by getting paying customers. <click to tweet> Whether you are hoping to pre-sell your product or if you are ready to make a sale, here are three sources that may lead to your…

Why Phoenix Deserves a Spot on the List of Best Cities for Startups

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Due to the growing community of tech entrepreneurs, Phoenix has earned the nickname “Silicon Desert.” In the latest Kaufman Metropolitan Area Rankings for Startup Activity, Phoenix moved from 12th last year to 14th this year after topping…

10 DAILY RITUALS FOR ENTREPRENEURS—Improving Everyday Routines

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Most everyone has rituals in daily life. We will look at ten everyday routines. And then we'll take those rituals and improve upon them to help you thrive as an entrepreneur.<click to tweet> WAKE — get up and get ‘er done! But first,…

5 Elements for Building a Healthy Startup

With the right planning up front, you can cut the time it will take to successfully get to your ultimate destination. Here are five elements to consider for starting your business on the path to success. <click to tweet> 1. Experience.…

Q&A: Choosing Between Convertible Notes and Priced Equity with Michael Hool

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A convertible note is a short-term debt that can be converted into equity (typically preferred shares) of a company. It has advantages and disadvantages for both investors and the issuing company. Michael Hool, of Hool Coury Law Group, focuses…

Can't-Miss Event: 'How To Pitch To Investors'

Invest Southwest & Partners Present First 'Improving Investability Workshop' Invest Southwest, in partnership with Desert Angels, Arizona Tech Investors, Phoenix Enterprise Forum and the Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation, is holding…

How Startup Funding Works

Startup Funding When startup ventures raise capital, they do it from a number of resources, typically starting with their own savings. If a startup is lucky enough, it can fund its own growth through its earnings; however, that success story…

Fundraising Tips For Startups at the Later Stage

In a previous post, we detailed the first three phases of fundraising for startups: seed, early, and friends and family phases. These early phases have one thing in common - most of your capital comes from you and your family. Jim Marshall of…